Saturday 19 June 2010

Tree furniture

I was at work yesterday - a summer job landscaping. We were mowing for most of the day....we were quite behind. In one garden, I noticed a table outdoors, made from a huge tree stump rooted into the ground, with a great slab of trunk resting heavily on top of it to create a very sturdy, natural looking piece of outdoor furniture. It was amazing. We learnt that the owner's brother in law did a lot of this type of work, and had worked alongside Vivian Westwood in the past. I did not take a photo due to lack of camera, but I found this image on the internet which gives an indication of what it looked like.

This piece led me and my friend to think about an idea of creating chairs entirely from tree roots. We discussed how we'd go about experimenting, creating moulds for the roots to grow into, and such on the van journey home, thinking that this had the potential to be an incredible entrepreneuring idea.
Alas, I have just made a quick search on Google, and it looks like plenty of people have already got there first. Dang.

Still, they are beautiful pieces nonetheless, and I want some.

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